Toulouse 05-03-2024
Azorius Glitter 1/10 Alfredo Affinity
Azorius Glitter 2/10 David Affinity
Toulouse 11-05-2023
The Rock 1/8 Vincent C. The Rock
Toulouse 11-03-2023
Grixis Affinity 1/9 Manuel T. Affinity
Caw Gate 2/9 Vincent C. Caw Blade
The Rock 3/9 CedrIc R. The Rock
Toulouse 03-31-2023
Ninja Faeries 1/8 pismy U Faeries
Toulouse 01-20-2023
RDW 1/8 David RDW
Toulouse 08-19-2022
Boros Synthesizer 1/10 pismy Boros Synthesizer
MBD 2/10 VeloO Bx Devotion
Toulouse 06-10-2022
Burn 1/6 Alfredo Burn
Toulouse 04-29-2022
Mono Black Dévotion 1/9 VeloO Bx Devotion
UR Skred 2/9 pismy UR Faeries
Elves 3/9 Olivier Elves
Toulouse 04-01-2022
KCI 1/9 Olivier KCI
Oni-Cult Affinity 2/9 Clément Affinity
Mono Black Dévotion 3/9 Léo Bx Devotion
Toulouse 12-03-2021
MBD 1/7 VeloO Bx Devotion
Toulouse 09-25-2020
Mono U Curiosity 1/7 chou Curious Tempo
Grixis Delver 2/7 Abyssal Delver (Other)
Toulouse 08-28-2020
MGA 1/8 Olivier MGA
Faeries protocole 2/8 VeloO Blink
Toulouse 07-31-2020
Ninja Faeries 1/6 pismy U Faeries
Toulouse 07-03-2020
Zombie Aggro 1/6 David MBA
Zombie Aggro 2/6 David MBA
Toulouse 02-07-2020
UB Delver 1/7 6sco UB Delver
Toulouse 12-06-2019
MGA 1/7 Pismy MGA
Toulouse 11-10-2019
Smallpox 1/14 Kevin Smallpox
Jace top 2/14 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Elf 3/14 VeloO Elves
Toulouse 09-20-2019
Reanimator 1/8 pismy Reanimator
Affi AtogShift 2/8 Benoît D. Affinity
Smallpox 3/8 VeloO Smallpox
Toulouse 08-30-2019
MBD 1/10 Leo Bx Devotion
Jace Top 2/10 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Tron 3/10 Chou Ux Tron
Toulouse 07-20-2019
Faeries 1/8 pismy U Faeries
Smallpox 2/8 VeloO Smallpox
Toulouse 06-07-2019
Jace Top 1/6 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Tortured Vizier 2/6 AbyssalEasley Other Combo
Toulouse 05-17-2019
Affinity Aggro 1/9 Benoît D. Affinity
Oketra 2/9 Jean Michel T. MWC
Reanimator 3/9 Jim Reanimator
Toulouse 04-12-2019
MGA 1/9 Alfredo MGA
Elves 2/9 anonymous Elves
Toulouse 03-15-2019
MGA 1/11 Benoît D. MGA
UG 2/11 6sco Clouds of Witness
Elves 3/11 val-20 Elves
Toulouse 01-25-2019
Faeries 1/10 Pismy U Faeries
Jace's Top 2/10 Yann Jace's Divining Top
burn 3/10 Stéphane Burn
Toulouse 01-04-2019
Teaching 1/9 6sco Teachings
U Aura Tide 2/9 Watthieu High Tide
MGA 3/9 Pismy MGA
Toulouse 11-23-2018
Teaching 1/12 6sco Teachings
Burn 2/12 Bastien Burn
Oketra 3/12 VeloO MWC
Toulouse 10-12-2018
Junk GWB 1/14 AbyssalEasley Other Midrange
Jace's Top 2/14 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Elves 3/14 Fred Elves
Toulouse 09-21-2018
Jace 1/12 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Aura tide 2/12 Watthieu High Tide
MARDU MIDRANGE 3/12 Chou Boros Bully
Toulouse 08-17-2018
Jace Top 1/9 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Wellspring 2/9 Maxime D. Boros Grid
Tortured Existence 3/9 Pismy Tortured Existence
Toulouse 07-27-2018
Jace's Top 1/6 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Toulouse 06-15-2018
Kiln' Burn 1/8 Pismy Red Assault
Toulouse 05-18-2018
Jace top 1/11 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Faeries 2/11 Pismy U Faeries
Toulouse 04-13-2018
Abzan Midrange 1/10 AbyssalEasley Other Midrange
Elf by VeloO 2/10 Alexis Elves
UB Teachings 3/10 Pismy Teachings
Toulouse 03-18-2018
Elves 1/7 Jean Michel T. Elves
Toulouse 03-09-2018
Teachings 1/13 6sco Teachings
Smallpox 2/13 VeloO Smallpox
Jace Top 3/13 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Oketra 4/13 Ludovic MWC
Tortured Existence 5/13 AbyssalEasley Tortured Existence
Toulouse 02-09-2018
Dragonauts 1/14 Bastien UR Kiln
Sliver 2/14 Marien R. Slivers
Gray Merchant 3/14 Chris Bx Devotion
Elf 4/14 Jean Michel T. Elves
Toulouse 01-12-2018
Jace Top 1/10 Yann Jace's Divining Top
Oketra 2/10 Jean Michel T. MWC
Tortured Existence 3/10 Pismy Tortured Existence
Toulouse 06-11-2017
Junk Midrange 1/8 AbyssalEasley Other Control
Toulouse 12-11-2016
MGA 1/16 Julien C. MGA
MBC Devotion 2/16 Jérémy B. Bx Devotion
Affinity Control 3/16 Victor B. Affinity
Affinity Atog 4/16 Vincent B. Affinity
Toulouse 11-18-2016
Nantukodupauvrepox 1/8 thibault C. Smallpox
Elf agressif 2/8 Victor B. Elves
Toulouse 06-05-2016
Hunting Storm 1/18 Boris B. Storm
Bogles 2/18 Jean Michel T. Bogles
RDW 3/18 Jérémy B. RDW
MBC Devotion 4/18 Emmanuel D. Bx Devotion
Rise from the Tide 5/18 Marc B. Rise from the Tides
Toulouse 05-29-2016
MBC Devotion 1/8 Benjamin C. Bx Devotion
MBC Devotion 2/8 Kevin L. Bx Devotion
Naya 3/8 Alexandre E. Naya
Heroic 4/8 Brian M. Heroic
Toulouse 04-22-2016
Delverless 1/14 Sylvain Z. Ux Tempo
Affinity Control 2/14 Julien C. Affinity
Toulouse 03-27-2016
The Rack 1/14 Guillaume V. The Rack
Red Assault 2/14 Kevin L. Red Assault
Familiar 3/14 Marien R. Familiar
Red assault 4/14 Benjamin C. Red Assault
Red Assault 5/14 Alexis D. Red Assault
Toulouse 11-29-2015
Red Assault 1/28 Benjamin C. Red Assault
MGA 2/28 Marien R. MGA
Faeries FTW 3/28 Alexis R. U Faeries
Sliver 4/28 Alexandre E. Slivers
Thopter Control 5/28 Julien R. Thopter Combo
Thopter Control 6/28 Boris B. Thopter Combo
UR Kiln 7/28 Sébastien F. UR Kiln
Monkey Fap 8/28 Pierre R. Monkey Fap
Toulouse 11-28-2015
Thopter Control 1/15 Julien R. Thopter Combo
Astral Slide 2/15 Victor B. Astral Slide
Affinity Control 3/15 Léonard S. Affinity
Hussard 4/15 Boris B. Token
Monkey Fap 5/15 Pierre R. Monkey Fap
Toulouse 09-19-2015
Affinity Control 1/10 Romain B. Affinity
Elfball 2/10 Marien R. Elves
Thopter Contrôle 3/10 Boris B. Thopter Combo
Toulouse 07-31-2015
Rip grapstorm 1/10 Thibault C. Storm
Spiders 2/10 Vincent C. (Toulouse) Spiders
Infect 3/10 Boris B. Infect
Toulouse 06-07-2015
RDW 1/21 Alexis D. Red Assault
JDT 2/21 Jean G. Jace's Divining Top
Sky Hussard 3/21 Guillaume V. Token
MUC Post 4/21 Boris B. Other Combo
Toulouse 04-19-2015
Grapeshot not best 1/22 Guillaume V. Storm
Spider Spawning 2/22 Vincent C. (Toulouse) Spiders
RDW 3/22 Alexis D. Red Assault
Atog Shot 4/22 Gabriel D. Affinity
Toulouse 12-14-2014
Infect 1/26 Emmanuel D. Infect
UB Reanimator 2/26 Enzo P. Reanimator
Patouche 3/26 Jean Michel T. Bogles
Kiln Nivix 4/26 Gabriel D. UR Kiln
Ivy Combo 5/26 Jérémy B. Ivy Combo
UR Delver 6/26 Alexandre E. UR Delver
Rats 7/26 Damien M. MBA