Magic-Ville Apr 5, 2010 - 7 players
1er 2nd
The deck URG Land Destruction
URG Land Destruction by M3m3p4sm4l Gruul Midrange Aggro control
Illegal Deck
3 Island
15 Forest
2 Mountain
4 Mulldrifter
4 Mold Shambler
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
1 Faultgrinder
3 Citanul Woodreaders
1 Capsize
3 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
4 Temporal Spring
2 Ice Storm
4 Utopia Sprawl
3 Manamorphose
3 Stone Rain
3 Firespout
1 Fireball
SB: 2 Wickerbough Elder
SB: 3 Scattershot Archer
SB: 3 Dosan's Oldest Chant
SB: 3 Moment's Peace
SB: 4 Mishra's Factory
Magic-Ville Apr 5, 2010 - 7 players
1 The deck
2 URG Land Destruction