Magic-Ville 04-20-2015
Hussard 1/14 Max2070 Token
Black Devotion 2/14 M3m3p4sm4l Bx Devotion
Sky Hussard 3/14 kricheck2001 Token
Magic-Ville 03-13-2015
UB Thopter 1/10 Willow Thopter Combo
Familiar 2/10 Max2070 Familiar
Magic-Ville 02-15-2015
Ghostly Devotion 1/14 Max2070 Bx Devotion
Burn 2/14 Gamic Burn
delver cruisade 3/14 kricheck2001 UR Delver
Magic-Ville 01-28-2015
MGA 1/10 Max2070 MGA
Imperial Storm 2/10 Zombie33 Familiar
Infect 3/10 Manau Infect
Magic-Ville 01-13-2015
Ensoul Affinity 1/10 M3m3p4sm4l Affinity
UR post control 2/10 Zombie33 Ux Post
WG Phantom Aura 3/10 Shakalak Other Aggro
Magic-Ville 12-19-2014
Jeskai Deck Wins 1/10 Manudesbois Other Aggro
MGA 2/10 Max2070 MGA
RG Madness 3/10 Shakalak Madness
Magic-Ville 11-05-2014
Ghostly Devotion 1/13 M3m3p4sm4l Bx Devotion
UB Thopter 2/13 Willow Thopter Combo
Delver 3/13 craack U Delver
Sliver 4/13 jayrems Slivers
Magic-Ville 10-05-2014
Ghostly Tide 1/13 Max2070 High Tide
UR Delver 2/13 Zombie33 UR Kiln
Affinity 3/13 M3m3p4sm4l Affinity
Affinity 4/13 Jayrems Affinity
Magic-Ville 08-31-2014
Red Deck Wins 1/20 Manudesbois RDW
Faerie 2/20 OEIL U Faeries
Scope.deck 3/20 Gamic Other Midrange
Hexproof 4/20 kricheck2001 Bogles
Magic-Ville 06-07-2014
Fissure Storm 1/12 Max2070 Familiar
UB Thopter 2/12 Dizdemon Thopter Combo
Affinity 3/12 Theta Affinity
Magic-Ville 02-28-2014
Eldrazi Green 1/12 Charlee Ramp
Burn 2/12 Willow Burn
Burn 3/12 Max2070 Burn
Magic-Ville 01-31-2014
Fissure Storm 1/8 Linkin38 Familiar
Faeries 2/8 Max2070 U Faeries
Magic-Ville 12-03-2013
Grapeshot Storm 1/12 Linkin38 Storm
Ivy Combo 2/12 Zombie33 Ivy Combo
Mono Black Devotion 3/12 Gamic Bx Devotion
Magic-Ville 11-11-2013
Mono Black Devotion 1/16 Gamic Bx Devotion
Mono Green Infect 2/16 Manau Infect
Fissure Control 3/16 linkin38 Other Combo
Esper'mancer 4/16 Max2070 Other Control
Magic-Ville 07-08-2013
Grapeshot 1/10 NightLupus Storm
Faerie 2/10 Max2070 U Faeries
BG Rock 3/10 Thepleymo The Rock
Magic-Ville 01-01-2013
wellspring 1/10 yuntac Artifacts Control
MBC 2/10 Max2070 MBC
Infect 3/10 Charlee Infect
Magic-Ville 11-20-2012
Storm 1/7 Dizdemon Storm
Cruel Control 2/7 Manudesbois Other Control
Magic-Ville 09-04-2012
Faeries 1/12 Dizdemon U Faeries
Spore Sky 2/12 charlee Token
Drazi Ramp 3/12 Manudesbois Ramp
Thopter 4/12 Darkent Thopter Combo
Magic-Ville 05-23-2012
Tempo Grizzly 1/7 Lejay Ux Control
UW aggro control 2/7 Manudesbois Delver (Other)
Magic-Ville 04-26-2012
Soldier 1/8 Theta Weenie White
elf 2/8 Thepleymo Elves
Blightning 3/8 Zappayaga Other Aggro
Magic-Ville 01-21-2012
Faerie 1/5 Max2070 U Faeries
Wellspring 2/5 M3m3p4sm4l Artifacts Control
Magic-Ville 12-18-2011
Wellspring 1/9 M3m3p4sm4l Artifacts Control
Burn 2/9 Max2070 Burn
nayacraft control 3/9 Kiwifou Metalcraft
Magic-Ville 08-06-2010
Goblin bomb 1/10 Takotsubo RDW
Patouche 2/10 Thepleymo Bogles
Slivers 3/10 Hannappel Slivers
Magic-Ville 04-05-2010
The deck 1/7 Dizdemon Ux Control
URG Land Destruction 2/7 M3m3p4sm4l Gruul Midrange
Magic-Ville 03-05-2010
Affinity 1/7 Hannappel Affinity
Gob Recruiter Combo 2/7 Thepleymo RDW
Magic-Ville 02-05-2010
Zombies 1/8 Thepleymo MBA
MBC 2/8 Dizdemon MBC
Magic-Ville 12-05-2009
Affinity 1/6 Dizdemon Affinity
Mono Black Hybrid 2/6 Manudesbois Hybrid
Skyfog 3/6 Max2070 Other Control
Magic-Ville 11-05-2009
Slivoides 1/7 Jboss Slivers
Burn 2/7 Daniel G. Burn
Magic-Ville 09-20-2009
Burn 1/5 Manudesbois Burn
Honden Domain 2/5 Max2070 Other Control