Mtg-Peasant 11-08-2024
Dredge 1/8 Rogerdu64 Dredge
Freeplay 10-30-2024
Oketra 1/16 Zombie33 MWC
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-27-2024
Dredge roots 6/34 Alexis R. Dredge
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-26-2024
Dredge roots 2/53 Amaury F. Dredge
Dredge roots 16/53 Alexis R. Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 09-12-2024
Dredge Roots 1/8 Andriana Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 09-03-2024
Dredge Roots 1/8 Andriana Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 08-09-2024
Insidious roots 1/8 Phalangel Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 08-04-2024
Insidious Roots 1/8 ADrapper2 Dredge
Bergerac 07-20-2024
Insidious Roots 4/12 Jean-Michel T. Dredge
Bergerac 07-19-2024
Insidious Roots 1/19 Emmanuel A. Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 07-06-2024
Insidious Roots 1/8 Andriana Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 04-18-2024
Insidious Dredge 1/8 Manau Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 04-16-2024
Insidious Dredge 1/8 Andriana Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 03-17-2024
Insidious Dredge 1/8 Zombie33 Dredge
Toulon 03-17-2024
Dredge 2/14 Maxime D. Dredge
Mtg-Peasant 09-18-2023
Druid Return 3/11 Neral Dredge
Mtg-peasant Masters 02-06-2023
Slide Protocol 3/8 Neral Astral Slide
Mtg-Peasant 01-31-2023
Blue Staff 1/10 Neral Other Combo
Mtg-Peasant 12-31-2022
Slide Protocol 1/8 Neral Astral Slide
Mtg-Peasant 12-07-2022
Slide Protocol 1/8 Neral Astral Slide
Mtg-Peasant 01-31-2022
UR Thermo 2/12 Antho63 Other Control
Mtg-peasant Masters 01-27-2022
UR Thermo 4/8 Antho63 Other Control
Mtg-Peasant 12-28-2021
UR Thermo 2/15 Antho63 Other Control
Mtg-Peasant 10-27-2021
RFTT 1/9 zeroxceet Rise from the Tides
Strasbourg 10-24-2021
Rise From The Tides 1/7 themalin Rise from the Tides
Clermont-Ferrand 10-15-2021
Mono W Oketra 4/18 Romain R. MWC
Bergerac 07-31-2021
Oketra 5/13 Frédéric R. MWC
Mtg-Peasant 01-08-2021
Oketra 2/12 Zombie33 MWC
Mtg-Peasant 04-21-2020
Maniac -Thopterstyle 2/14 Toufmade Maniac
Protocombo 3/14 Bri Other Control
Mtg-Peasant 03-25-2020
Mono W Oketra 1/8 zeroxceet MWC
Mtg-Peasant 12-17-2019
Snow Oketra 1/8 Zombie33 MWC
Mtg-Peasant 11-07-2019
Snow Oketra 1/8 Zombie33 MWC
Chalon-sur-Saône 08-15-2019
UB Thopter 1/7 Minh Thopter Combo
Grenoble 06-04-2019
Oketra 2/10 Remi MWC
Chalon-sur-Saône 05-18-2019
UB Thopter 1/7 Minh T. Thopter Combo
Toulouse 05-17-2019
Oketra 2/9 Jean Michel T. MWC
Saint-Maximin 04-13-2019
UB Thopter 3/22 Laurent M Thopter Combo
Grenoble 04-02-2019
Oketra 1/8 Remi MWC
Grenoble 03-05-2019
Oketra 1/10 Remi MWC
Mtg-Peasant 02-13-2019
Oketra 1/8 Zombie33 MWC
Perigueux 02-08-2019
UR Thermo 3/10 Jérémy B. Other Control
Grenoble 02-05-2019
Oketra 1/8 Rémi MWC
Vancouver 12-24-2018
DemoDrak 5/14 Rudy Other Control
Baie-Comeau 12-21-2018
Oketra 1/8 Samuel cloutier MWC
Toulouse 11-23-2018
Oketra 3/12 VeloO MWC
Grenoble 11-13-2018
Ub thopter 1/16 Baptiste Thopter Combo
Strasbourg 11-07-2018
Ub Thopter 3/17 Alexis R. Thopter Combo
Lyon 10-20-2018
Ub Thopter 8/110 Nicolas B. Thopter Combo
Saint-Nazaire 10-05-2018
Thopter 1/10 Guizmy Thopter Combo
Nantes 09-22-2018
Thopter 2/12 Guizmy Thopter Combo
Saint-Nazaire 08-31-2018
Thopter 3/14 Guizmy Thopter Combo
Strasbourg 08-15-2018
UB Thopter 2/13 Franck A Thopter Combo
Perigueux 06-09-2018
Oketra 1/12 Jérémy B. MWC
Grenoble 05-15-2018
Thopter Combo 1/8 hookdoo Thopter Combo
Saint-Nazaire 05-11-2018
Thopter 4/16 Clair Thopter Combo
Strasbourg 04-18-2018
UB Thopter 3/13 Charles Z Thopter Combo
Saint-Nazaire 04-08-2018
Thopter 1/12 Clair Thopter Combo
Clermont-Ferrand 04-07-2018
Oketra 1/29 Charles D. MWC
Grenoble 03-13-2018
Thopter Devotion 1/8 Alexandre V. Thopter Combo
Toulouse 03-09-2018
Oketra 4/13 Ludovic MWC
Saint-Nazaire 03-09-2018
Thopter 1/11 Clair Thopter Combo
Montpellier 02-23-2018
UB Thopter 2/13 Gautier B. Thopter Combo
Terville 01-21-2018
Oketra 2/10 Cedric A. MWC
Toulouse 01-12-2018
Oketra 2/10 Jean Michel T. MWC
Mtg-Peasant 11-07-2017
Oketra 1/8 Zombie33 MWC
Terville 10-22-2017
UB Thopter 3/14 Mickael Champi Thopter Combo
Grenoble 10-17-2017
Thopter Devotion 2/12 Alexandre V. Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 10-11-2017
Rise From The Tides 1/8 zeroxceet Rise from the Tides
Clermont-Ferrand 10-07-2017
Oketra 1/26 Jérémy B. MWC
Grenoble 10-02-2017
Thopter Devotion 1/10 Alexandre V. Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 09-20-2017
UB Thopter 1/8 Willow Thopter Combo
Grenoble 09-19-2017
Thopter Devotion 1/8 Alexandre V. Thopter Combo
Mutzig 09-03-2017
Dark Spiders 7/30 Timothé T Spiders
Indianapolis 08-18-2017
UB Thopter 1/30 Mitch D. Thopter Combo
Strasbourg 08-13-2017
Dark Spiders 3/14 Tim Spiders
Mtg-Peasant 06-27-2017
UB Thopter 5/25 Willow Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 06-21-2017
UB Thopter 1/8 Willow Thopter Combo
Strasbourg 06-18-2017
Rise from the tides 3/11 Stéphano Rise from the Tides
Strasbourg 06-01-2017
Rise from the tides 1/6 Themalin Rise from the Tides
Mtg-Peasant 05-19-2017
Oketra 1/8 Bri MWC
Saint-Maximin 04-20-2017
Dark Spiders 3/23 Mathieu H Spiders
Strasbourg 04-12-2017
Thopter 3/14 Olivier P. Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 03-27-2017
Thopter Devotion 2/14 M3m3p4sm4l Thopter Combo
Libourne 03-25-2017
Rise from the Tides 1/8 Baptise T. Rise from the Tides
Clermont-Ferrand 03-06-2017
Dark Spider 2/24 Mathieu H. Spiders
Terville 02-27-2017
UB Thopter 2/15 Mickael C. Thopter Combo
Lyon 02-18-2017
Dark Spiders nextgen 2/9 Pierre R. Spiders
Mtg-peasant Masters 02-07-2017
UB Thopter 2/8 Zombie33 Thopter Combo
Clermont-Ferrand 02-04-2017
Dark Spidder 4/17 Ludwig B. Spiders
Mtg-Peasant 01-18-2017
UB Thopter 3/12 Zombie33 Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 12-30-2016
UB Thopter 1/6 Bri Thopter Combo
Saint-Maximin 11-13-2016
UB Thopter 1/8 LauM Thopter Combo
Strasbourg 11-04-2016
Rise from the tide 2/12 Anto Rise from the Tides
Grenoble 11-01-2016
Dramatic Scepter 1/6 Pierre G. Other Control
Lyon 10-29-2016
UB Thopter 8/84 Captain Blue Thopter Combo
Lyon 10-09-2016
Dark Spiders nextgen 2/10 Mathieu H Spiders
Saint-Nazaire 10-09-2016
UB Thopter 2/9 Guizmy Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 10-01-2016
Rise From Tide 1/8 Max2070 Rise from the Tides
Indianapolis 08-05-2016
UB Thopter 5/23 Unknow Thopter Combo
Strasbourg 07-18-2016
Rise from the tide 1/10 Themalin Rise from the Tides
Bourg-en-Bresse 07-08-2016
Dark Spiders 1/8 Mathieu H Spiders
Strasbourg 06-12-2016
UB Thopter 5/23 Alexandre G. Thopter Combo
UB Thopter 6/23 Falcouille Thopter Combo
Toulouse 06-05-2016
Rise from the Tide 5/18 Marc B. Rise from the Tides
Ingolstadt 04-02-2016
Small Eggs 4/26 Thomas H. Thopter Combo
Lille 02-27-2016
UB combo 4/14 Thomas Muteau Thopter Combo
Toulouse 11-29-2015
Thopter Control 5/28 Julien R. Thopter Combo
Thopter Control 6/28 Boris B. Thopter Combo
Toulouse 11-28-2015
Thopter Control 1/15 Julien R. Thopter Combo
Lille 10-31-2015
UB Combo 1/16 Thomas M. Thopter Combo
Grenoble 10-06-2015
UB combo 1/8 Pierre G. Thopter Combo
Grenoble 09-29-2015
UB combo 1/8 Pierre G. Thopter Combo
Toulouse 09-19-2015
Thopter Contrôle 3/10 Boris B. Thopter Combo
Montpellier 09-19-2015
Thopter 1/10 Alexis R. Thopter Combo
Oer-Erkenschwick 08-30-2015
Thopter Control 3/16 Dominik Thopter Combo
Bordeaux 08-29-2015
UB thopter 1/14 Julien C. Thopter Combo
Toulouse 07-31-2015
Spiders 2/10 Vincent C. (Toulouse) Spiders
Grenoble 07-28-2015
Esper control 2/10 Pierre G. Other Control
Montigny-le-Bretonneux 07-25-2015
UB Thopter 1/8 Sébastien C. Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 07-23-2015
UB Thopter 1/20 luka_93 Thopter Combo
Bordeaux 07-18-2015
Spiders 1/6 anonymous Spiders
Lyon 06-13-2015
UB Thopter 7/66 Alexis R. Thopter Combo
Mtg-Peasant 05-19-2015
Thopter Control 2/24 Willow Thopter Combo
La Rochelle 05-17-2015
Izzet combo 1/7 Waka Other Control
Toulouse 04-19-2015
Spider Spawning 2/22 Vincent C. (Toulouse) Spiders
Mtg-Peasant 04-08-2015
Thopter Control 3/10 Bobelou Thopter Combo
Lyon 03-31-2015
Dark Spider 1/5 Mathieu H. Spiders
Magic-Ville 03-13-2015
UB Thopter 1/10 Willow Thopter Combo
Lyon 11-25-2014
Dark Spiders 2/10 Mathieu H. Spiders
Magic-Ville 11-05-2014
UB Thopter 2/13 Willow Thopter Combo
Lyon 07-18-2014
UB Thopter 6/56 Guillaume V. Thopter Combo
Magic-Ville 06-07-2014
UB Thopter 2/12 Dizdemon Thopter Combo
Paris 07-19-2013
UB Thopter 2/15 Guillaume V. Thopter Combo
Paris 06-14-2013
Thopter 4/12 Darkent Thopter Combo
PDCMagic 01-06-2013
Songs of the Eldrazi 2/12 cosik Other Control
Magic-Ville 09-04-2012
Thopter 4/12 Darkent Thopter Combo
Paris 01-22-2012
Thopter 2/8 Patrice H. Thopter Combo
Saint-Etienne 11-20-2011
Thopter 1/29 Guillaume V. Thopter Combo
MWSTournament 06-01-2011
Jace's sensei 1/6 Max2070 Jace's Divining Top
Paris 05-22-2011
Jace's sensei 2/19 Guillaume V. Jace's Divining Top
Feurs 04-30-2011
Jace's sensei 7/26 Guillaume V. Jace's Divining Top
MWSTournament 02-16-2011
Batard Reanimator 3/8 M3m3p4sm4l Reanimator
Groningen 09-24-2010
Thopter Teachings 2/17 Maarten J. Thopter Combo
Thopter Control 4/17 Jasper B. Thopter Combo
Munich 03-29-2010
WU Thopter Combo 2/8 Big Thopter Combo
Groningen 01-29-2010
UW Thopter 2/17 Erik-Sander K. Thopter Combo
Montpellier 03-29-2008
Robocop 1/9 Floorian M. Life
Indianapolis 07-24-2003
UR Forbidian 3/27 Nick B. Other Control