[Online] Cockatrice Tournament - 2016-06-04 Jun 20, 2016, 7:02 PM
zombie33 Software : Cockatrice !
Beginning : Saturday 25th June
Type of Tournament : Swiss
Duration : 1 week per round maximum

Tournament's rules / advices :

- Each player must have an account on Woogerworks. Please register before the beginning of the tournament.
- You can't let spectators see yours hands (in game configuration), since it could allow for cheating.
- You must add all the players in the tournament to your buddy list.
- It's an international tournament, so everyone must speak english.
- We play peasant, we are not at the world magic cup, keep it cool.

How does it go ? :

- The tournament will used Challonge. You must subscribe on this website to join the tournament.
- You must give your hash in this topic when you subscribe.
- Match duration : 1 hour on the cockatrice room time (+5 turns after the time runs out if needed).
- You must play at least one game per Week
- When a round is finish, the next one begins.
- If a player want to drop the tournament, he must tell it on this topic. Please don't let your opponents waiting for nothing.

Subscribe until 25/06/16 - 12:00 pm

You can check all swiss tournament on this page : Mtg-Peasant Online tournaments

We hope to read some reports from the tournament, and if you make it to the final pool, don't forget to submit your decklist.

last page
Loumpa Jul 17, 2016, 9:56 PM Galactic, please come back on cockatrice =)

sister_morphine Jul 18, 2016, 9:57 AM @selem2: When would u like to play? I am online most of the time today, and wednesday until friday - but usually not in the evenings. Just let me know!

Max2070 Jul 19, 2016, 7:49 AM @moldavien : pm for you !!

sister_morphine Jul 19, 2016, 11:00 AM @selem2: I just sent u a PM. My schedule has changed a bit, thursday not possible anymore.

sister_morphine Jul 22, 2016, 1:15 PM @selem2: Would u pls respond? That would be so very kind

zombie33 Jul 22, 2016, 1:54 PM Hurry up, still 4 games to plays !

Sister - selem2
Galactic - Manu
Bri - Portugais
Loumpa - AbyssalEasley

I see only sister communicate here !

Manudesbois Jul 22, 2016, 4:44 PM Galactic : I got some news from him asking to play today but I'm not here. Maybe I have a short time slot at 7 but otherwise not before tomorrow or sunday.

Manudesbois Jul 23, 2016, 10:40 AM In case I don't manage to play vs Galactic before the end of the round, please drop me for next round.

zombie33 Jul 23, 2016, 2:16 PM @Manu : Ok

@Portugais : I'm available to play against you this saturday, all day or tomorrow sunday morning and in early afternoon. After that i can only play against you the next sunday.

zombie33 Jul 23, 2016, 3:14 PM 3 Wasteland
15 Island
2 Illusory Angel
3 Ninja of the Deep Hours
3 Porcelain Legionnaire
3 Stitched Drake
3 Wingcrafter
4 Cloudfin Raptor
4 Phantasmal Bear
1 Logic Knot
1 Piracy Charm
1 Snap
3 Daze
3 Gush
3 Vapor Snag
4 Counterspell
4 Preordain
SB: 2 Hydroblast
SB: 1 Snap
SB: 2 Echoing Truth
SB: 2 Gut Shot
SB: 2 Blue Elemental Blast
SB: 3 Steel Sabotage
SB: 2 Relic of Progenitus
SB: 1 Spell Pierce