16 Men : Elimination direct or not ? Mar 22, 2017, 4:55 PM
zombie33 - The 16 men tournament is actually a double elimination tournament with a 4th place playoff.
- This means we update for each tournament the top 4.
- But they're is a problem : the fourth place is always very slow to end for vatious reasons, but one of them is : the extra match to play for this player (maximum 5 match to play instead of 4)

I suggest to do 16 men tournament with a single elimination like the 8 men.
- It would be a top 3 instead of a top 4.
- With this system playing two new 16-men will be like playing 1 old 16-men but people have more chance to be in top : 0.34 against 0.25
- Tournament will finish faster
- We can do more tournament without increasing the number of game.

last page
sister_morphine Mar 23, 2017, 10:50 AM @topic: I find direct elimination a bit rough with 16 participants, but the current situation shows clearly that the 'loosers-bracket' is not a very attractive one to play. All four 16men tourneys are far away from being concluded because of the matches for the 4th place. So clearly s.th. has to be changed. Maybe there are simply too much tourneys? If there were only two 16men toruneys, the would be concluded more consinstently, right?

@communications issue: That is and will remain always the problem no matter what formats we play. Facebook and other alternative channels will only increase the problem, since u then have to check out all the possibilities. In my opinion the PM-Service here must be fixed and not-communicating here - in the forum - must be punished consequently, if it leads to delays. Everything else only leads to confusion.

Manudesbois Mar 23, 2017, 11:06 AM sister_morphine : 100% approved!

GalacticPresident Mar 23, 2017, 11:51 AM @topic: Fewer tournaments would possibly solve the problem but I don't think we want that. People prefer playing the winner-brackets, we all agree on that, so why would we want to cut winner-brackets for loser-brackets?

@communication: Totally agree. Communication should be processed on this page only and if players don't communicate in a reasonable and timely manner it's up to the tournament organizer to give them a loss (since there can't be draws).

zombie33 Mar 23, 2017, 12:30 PM The problem can't be the number of tournament. But the problem can be the number of tournament players choose to subscribe. Nobody is forced to participate to each tournament...

Well let's vote (copy/paste this list and add your pseudo)

No change :


16 men elimination direct :


moldavien Mar 23, 2017, 1:12 PM No change :


16 men elimination direct :


zombie33 Mar 23, 2017, 1:18 PM Also they are some players who slow down tournament. It's often the same players we are waiting for.
I really like to heard the opinion of those players...

zeroxceet Mar 23, 2017, 2:10 PM No change :


16 men elimination direct :


sister_morphine Mar 23, 2017, 2:53 PM I have an idea, it's maybe a good compromise: We leave the system as it is (it also is too new to be changed again already), but state a new rule: 'in the end of the month, if the tourney is not finished completely, yet, the forth seat goes to the player who won the most games in the winners- and loosers-bracket so far.'
It's pragmatic and causes no aditional work for the orga-team at least.

Besides my proposal I vote for: Leave everything as it is for now and reevaluate in two months or so.

No change :


16 men elimination direct :


Bri Mar 23, 2017, 6:48 PM yeah, the communication is clearly an issue. But i don't think it has to do with B pool in general, but with the lack of communication from those who are not often online.

Bri Mar 23, 2017, 6:51 PM Maybe it is an option to create an additional site on the google sheet, where everybody can enter his availabilities somehow?