[Online] Cockatrice Tournament - 2016-07-09 Jul 6, 2016, 12:50 PM
zombie33 Software : Cockatrice !
Beginning : Saturday 9th July
Type of Tournament : Swiss
Duration : 1 week per round maximum

Tournament's rules / advices :

- Each player must have an account on Woogerworks. Please register before the beginning of the tournament.
- You can't let spectators see yours hands (in game configuration), since it could allow for cheating.
- You must add all the players in the tournament to your buddy list.
- It's an international tournament, so everyone must speak english.
- We play peasant, we are not at the world magic cup, keep it cool.

How does it go ? :

- The tournament will used Challonge. You must subscribe on this website to join the tournament.
- You must give your hash in this topic when you subscribe.
- Match duration : 1 hour on the cockatrice room time (+5 turns after the time runs out if needed).
- You must play at least one game per Week
- When a round is finish, the next one begins.
- If a player want to drop the tournament, he must tell it on this topic. Please don't let your opponents waiting for nothing.

Subscribe until 09/07/16 - 12:00 pm

We hope to read some reports from the tournament, and at the end don't forget to give us the archetype you play.

Good luck everyone and enjoy your tournament !

last page
Papaoursdelux Jul 13, 2016, 3:47 PM Hi, Luka.

I'm available today end tomorrow a large part of the day.
Friday in the evening and in week-en if you warn me when your are available.

Papaoursdelux Jul 13, 2016, 4:06 PM and*

sister_morphine Jul 18, 2016, 9:58 AM @Papa: When would u like to play? I am online most of the time today, and wednesday until friday - but usually not in the evenings. Just let me know!

Papaoursdelux Jul 18, 2016, 7:59 PM Hi sister!

I'm online this evening, but I won't stay too late. If you can get connected befor 9:00 PM it's allright for me.

Otherwise, I can be online every evening (too bad!), but I can negociate to be online wednesday around 3:00 PM.

zombie33 Jul 18, 2016, 8:15 PM 3 Wasteland
15 Island
2 Illusory Angel
2 Wingcrafter
3 Ninja of the Deep Hours
3 Porcelain Legionnaire
3 Stitched Drake
4 Cloudfin Raptor
4 Phantasmal Bear
1 Spell Pierce
2 Snap
3 Daze
3 Vapor Snag
4 Counterspell
4 Gush
4 Preordain
SB: 2 Hydroblast
SB: 1 Snap
SB: 2 Echoing Truth
SB: 2 Gut Shot
SB: 2 Blue Elemental Blast
SB: 3 Steel Sabotage
SB: 2 Relic of Progenitus
SB: 1 Spell Pierce

sister_morphine Jul 19, 2016, 11:03 AM @ Papa: Just saw your message - forget my PM. Wednesday 3 p.m. would be great! Let's do that. In case you somehow can't manage, I'll try to go online thursday evening. See ya soon

GalacticPresident Jul 20, 2016, 10:18 AM Hey Luka, I'll be connected this evening, hope to see you!
If you can't make it, please write me your availability. How about tomorrow for example?