[Online] Cockatrice Tournament - 2016-06-11 Jun 2, 2016, 7:11 PM
zombie33 Software : Cockatrice !
Beginning : Saturday 11th June
Type of Tournament : Swiss
Duration : 1 week per round maximum

Tournament's rules / advices :

- Each player must have an account on Woogerworks. Please register before the beginning of the tournament.
- You can't let spectators see yours hands (in game configuration), since it could allow for cheating.
- You must add all the players in the tournament to your buddy list.
- It's an international tournament, so everyone must speak english.
- We play peasant, we are not at the world magic cup, keep it cool.

How does it go ? :

- The tournament will used Challonge. You must subscribe on this website to join the tournament.
- You must give your hash in this topic when you subscribe.
- Match duration : 1 hour on the cockatrice room time (+5 turns after the time runs out if needed).
- You must play at least one game per Week
- When a round is finish, the next one begins.
- If a player want to drop the tournament, he must tell it on this topic. Please don't let your opponents waiting for nothing.

Subscribe until 11/06/16 - 12:00 pm

Eternal Masters is authorised for this tournament !

You can check all swiss tournament on this page : Mtg-Peasant Online tournaments

We hope to read some reports from the tournament, and if you make it to the final pool, don't forget to submit your decklist.

last page
Phlyghtt79 Jun 14, 2016, 5:12 PM Thanks for the reply back about that. I am understanding things better now. Ok, I will stick to hash # ss4jbass for this tourney then as I already said I would play. I am only waiting then to hear from my opponent, Papaoursdelux, to make date for the match. I will try to PM then, I reckon .

Phlyghtt79 Jun 14, 2016, 5:20 PM Message left on PM for Papaoursdelux: Hi, my apologies, I've been quite busy the last few days and we have only a short time now to play our match for this tourney. Please, remember that I am free from 6am - 10pm PDT (I live in California, USA) and you are approximately 9 hours ahead of me there in France. Please, asap, keeping in mind my hours, tell me when you can play our match. Let's get this done so we can move into Round 2. Thanks and be well.

Papaoursdelux Jun 15, 2016, 3:26 PM Hi Phlyghtt79!

You don't have to apologize, I've almost forgotten I suscribed in this tournament.
I could be on cockatrice saturday and sunday, tell when you're available.

See ya!

Phlyghtt79 Jun 16, 2016, 5:51 AM PM left for Papaoursdelux . . . check the mail icon up top near your name? I think saturday 9am PDT, 6pm in France is good how about it? be well

Papaoursdelux Jun 18, 2016, 5:26 PM Hash: i65f3fc6!

Papaoursdelux Jun 18, 2016, 6:23 PM Papaours 2-0 Phyghtt79

Phlyghtt79 Jun 18, 2016, 6:29 PM Papaoursdelux, I report your 2-0 win on Challonge site .

Phlyghtt79 Jun 18, 2016, 6:31 PM GalacticPresident: Hey there, I am playing you again, I guess . Please, I am free just about anytime right now 6am-10pm PDT. What time zone are you? Tell me when a good time to have our match would be? Meantime, be well .

m3m3p4sm4l Jun 20, 2016, 10:53 PM hash :

zebigcoconut Jun 26, 2016, 10:28 AM Luka, where are you?