[Online] Cockatrice Tournament - 2016-06-04 May 30, 2016, 11:55 AM
zombie33 Software : Cockatrice !
Beginning : Saturday 4th June
Type of Tournament : Swiss
Duration : 1 week per round maximum

Tournament's rules / advices :

- Each player must have an account on Woogerworks. Please register before the beginning of the tournament.
- You can't let spectators see yours hands (in game configuration), since it could allow for cheating.
- You must add all the players in the tournament to your buddy list.
- It's an international tournament, so everyone must speak english.
- We play peasant, we are not at the world magic cup, keep it cool.

How does it go ? :

- The tournament will used Challonge. You must subscribe on this website to join the tournament.
- You must give your hash in this topic when you subscribe.
- Match duration : 1 hour on the cockatrice room time (+5 turns after the time runs out if needed).
- You must play at least one game per Week
- When a round is finish, the next one begins.
- If a player want to drop the tournament, he must tell it on this topic. Please don't let your opponents waiting for nothing.

Subscribe until 04/06/16 - 12:00 pm

Eternal Masters is authorised for this tournament !

We hope to read some reports from the tournament, and if you make it to the final pool, don't forget to submit your decklist.

Good luck everyone and enjoy your tournament !

last page
Phlyghtt79 Jun 9, 2016, 2:58 PM m3m3p4sm4l, please reply to any of my messages to you, I know you live in France so our time zone difference is quite different and perhaps this is making it tough for us to play. I am in California, USA. I awake in the morning about 6am, that is 3pm in France, and I go to bed about 10pm, that would be 7am the next day in France. I am keeping my schedule open that whole time in attempt to play this match, only I need to know what a good time is for you between those hours. Please, m3m3p4sm4l, as you haven't responded to my PMs, respond here asap so we can get our match done. Thanks.

m3m3p4sm4l Jun 9, 2016, 8:58 PM private answer sent to Phlyghtt79 ! Hope we can play tonight or this weekend, sorry I was not connected for 3 days, I was on business trip.

Phlyghtt79 Jun 9, 2016, 11:27 PM So, m3m3p4sm4l, whipped me there pretty good. Congrats m3m3p4sm4l for your win . Next up GalacticPresident . Gonna get my butt kicked, doo dah doo dah day! LOL. Tourney's been great so far, very cool indeed and thanks to everyone who has joined and/or made a contribution for this thing to happen. We're all winners when we're having good times .

Phlyghtt79 Jun 9, 2016, 11:39 PM For some reason the PM page is messing up and I can't PM people or see their PM to me . In any case, I leave a message for my next opponent, GalacticPresident, right here in hopes he reads it.
Hey there, GalacticPresident, you are my next opponent in this tourney, hmm? I am free most days of the week between the hours of 6am - 10am PDT (California, USA). Propose us a time to meet and play our match then, please? Let me know where you live (Country/Time Zone) and when a good time/day is for you. Thanks .

Lorebroker Jun 10, 2016, 1:03 AM Lorebroker 2-1 Bri
for some reason I can't enter this in challonge...

GalacticPresident Jun 10, 2016, 9:57 AM Yo phlyghtt79, I'm from Vienna which means +9 hours. Today in the afternoon would be a good time for me, I'll try to be online at 16 o'clock, so 7am PDT. Hope to see you then! I won't be online during the weekend, let's make an appointment if we don't succeed today. Greez

B4L4 Jun 10, 2016, 12:29 PM @m3m3p4sm4l Available the whole day until at least 7:00 PM (GMT+2)

zebigcoconut Jun 10, 2016, 5:42 PM Hi

My hash is 90pvdk69

m3m3p4sm4l Jun 11, 2016, 11:42 AM hash: dpmdmu3q

sister_morphine Jun 11, 2016, 12:56 PM @brouzouf: I'm online the next few days during the day. When would u prefer to play our match? The sooner the better, I would say... :-)