[Deck] Familiar Dec 20, 2015, 11:00 PM | |
Max2070 |
Again a tournament where I take Familiar with no expectations, again a surprising 0 defeat with the deck. ========== Tournoi du 03/10/15 ========= first pool : 2-0 BUWG enchant 2-1 UR Pyromancer 2-1 ??? (je concède la dernière sans la jouer pour gagner du temps.) final pool : 2-1 Naya domain 1-1 Affinity Control 2-1 Ghostly Devo + Fami + Cloud 2-0 U infect 2-0 MGA ========== Tournoi du 03/10/15 ========= first pool : 2-0 affy 2-0 TE 2-0 TE 2-1 ugr Tron (pas les pires MUs ...) final pool : 2-0 RDW 2-0 Red assault (+ pyromancer) 2-1 UR kiln 2-1 boroscraft 2-0 UB Thopter (quasi que de l'aggro ce coup-ci) I'm still convainced this deck is not too strong and can loose against a lot of decks, but in order to win against, the first thing to do is build his deck and his side with familiar in mind because the deck take place in strongs ones. the following list is the one I played on the second tournament : 4 Azorius Chancery I'm open to suggestions or remarks |
AbyssalEasley |
Dec 22, 2015, 5:42 PM
Ban Ghostly Flicker ! |
holdmyphone |
Dec 23, 2015, 10:58 AM
Banning seems like an overreaction. It can lose to a lot of things. Faeries and MBC are good matchups against it imo that were not present in this tournament. |
Lorebroker |
Dec 23, 2015, 10:08 PM
Well, it's a sturdy combo deck. If one doesn't play disruption one should not be surprised to loose against it... |
pilota |
Dec 25, 2015, 8:32 AM
it is always a pleasure to see how good you play this deck. i agree with you saying that it is not 2 strong, but your great sideboard boarding due the meta game are the main reasons why you play this deck so succesfully. 4x Circle of Protection Red are definetely a great idea! @all TANTI AUGURI DI BUON NATALE! |
m3m3p4sm4l |
Dec 26, 2015, 3:17 PM
why 4 cop red? because of red assault which had good results in previous tournaments ? |
Max2070 |
Dec 26, 2015, 8:41 PM
no, Familiar have two critics Match up : - Burn - Infect those MU are incredibly hard but with drastic cards like COP or bearer, it's possible to win if we gets the cards. |
GalacticPresident |
Jan 8, 2016, 4:05 PM
I also think the deck is not too strong for the meta (although at the absolute top) and it is the last remaining real good combo deck. If we ban this deck, combo is actually dead. And I don't like that! I play a Familiar deck myself, although not on cocka so far. I agree with Pilota that your success is due to your very solid playstile and correct sideboarding. If someone is able to do that, the deck is very rewarding. If your skill with the deck is medium, you are going to loose a lot more. That's probably why nobody else plays the deck. The worrysome part about it is its ability to fight through hate cards. You really need multiple hate cards to effectively cancel out the combo. Max, what is your tactic against Faeries? If they just counter your 2 Walls, you can't win right? |
Max2070 |
Jan 12, 2016, 9:26 PM
against counters I don't specificely try to win with combo. The plan is winning by CA and tempo. In order to do that, it's likely to have your familiar on board ... if you have the ressources to play more spell in a turn than the number of counterspell your opponant can cast you will win. Faerie is still a special case because he put a big pressure which lead to tight MU. |
GalacticPresident |
Jan 13, 2016, 7:36 PM
How exactly is Familiars supposed to win through combat damage? I can't imgagine that! The deck runs at most 8 2power attackers and 13 1power attackers without any kind of removal (ok 2 O-ring). Against Faeries if the opponent plays 1 Spire Golem or buffed Cloudfin Raptor (2/3), I can't imagine how you're supposed to deal 20 or more damage. They only have to counter walls and capsize. Say the blue deck doesn't even attack, how do you win? Against burn, if they counter your walls with REB, they have enough removal to kill all your creatures and wait until you deck. How do you plan to win? You have a lot of experience with the deck, is there a plan for these situations? |
Papaoursdelux |
Jan 13, 2016, 8:26 PM
X mulldrifter+ X faeries+ X B familiar B etc... against your capsized board In my opinion, familiar is an hard deck to play against. If you want to beat it, you need to know the deck at least as well as your opponent It's certainly one of the more interesting list in the actual field. |