[Online] Peasant Tournaments - November 2016 Oct 14, 2016, 12:10 AM
zombie33 Saturday 28 October : Peasant tournament
* Google Doc : Registration & Pairing
* System of tournament : pool
* First phase - duration : one week
* Second phase - duration : one week

Saturday 05 November : Peasant tournaments - 8 players max
* Google Doc : Registration & Pairing
* Tournament begins at 12:00 - No registration allowed after this deadline.
* Every player can subscribe up to 6 tournaments. The exact number of tournament will depend on the number of registred players.
* Duration : 3 weeks (one game per week per tournament you subscribe)
* End of each tournament : before the next pool tournament in November.

Tournament's rules / advices :

- Each player must have an account on Woogerworks. Please register before the beginning of the tournament.
- You can't let spectators see yours hands (in game configuration), since it could allow for cheating.
- You must add all the players in the tournament to your buddy list.
- It's an international tournament, so everyone must speak english.
- We play peasant, we are not at the world magic cup, keep it cool.

How does it go ? :

- You must give your hash in this topic when you subscribe.
- Match duration : 1 hour on the cockatrice room time (+5 turns after the time runs out if needed).
- For more informations and rules about the "8 players max" tournaments see the rules ont the google doc.

Next tournament : Saturday 26 November in the December topic.

last page
Lorebroker Nov 24, 2016, 6:49 PM @Manudesbois: So more pro-black guys in the board are needed?

Manudesbois Nov 24, 2016, 8:17 PM Yep but they don't provide quite enough pressure, and I don't know what to side out. Maybe it makes sense to side out the enchantments against acolytes. This way the gray merchants as blockers are less of a problem and maybe don't need to be o-ring-ed or journey-ed...

Manudesbois Nov 24, 2016, 8:20 PM Also thinking of bringing back the loyal cathar or thraben inspector

zeroxceet Nov 27, 2016, 12:19 PM my list for the fork, axe plough tournament :

21 Swamp
2 Dauthi Slayer
3 Engineered Plague
4 Victim of Night
2 Demonic Tutor
4 Hymn to Tourach
3 Duress
2 Gurmag Angler
3 Gray Merchant of Asphodel
4 Chittering Rats
2 Disfigure
3 Sign in Blood
1 Consume Spirit
1 Undying Evil
2 Phyrexian Rager
2 Cuombajj Witches
1 Crypt Rats
SB: 3 Echoing Decay
SB: 3 Shred Memory
SB: 4 Sinkhole
SB: 2 Mind Extraction
SB: 2 Diabolic Edict
SB: 1 Crypt Incursion

AbyssalEasley Nov 27, 2016, 1:39 PM You know we can play your last game, i'm not agry with the 0-0 you put without playing

Bri Nov 27, 2016, 5:02 PM I didn't see you online and i had no time from Thursday to Saturday myself. I didn't put the 0-0, but i think it was because the 1 week time limit

AbyssalEasley Nov 27, 2016, 8:28 PM @Bri : i did not see you online too. But I speaked to Zeroxceet about the 0-0. The last round on each tournaments is not closed, nobody has played this week end and only half of the games are made. So I think we will have more time to terminate the round.

zeroxceet Nov 28, 2016, 6:59 PM abyss : je suis d'accord avc toi , mais je me suis connecté deux jour apres 17h comme tu précise sque tu es en ligne à cette heure là, et je ne t'ai pas vu encore la non plus

" Fron monday to friday : 17h to 19h (end game at 20h)"

AbyssalEasley Nov 28, 2016, 8:36 PM Zerox : je précise aussi que je ne plante pas en afk devant mon pc, je me co 5 minutes le temps de voir q'il y a quelqu'un co et s'il n'y a personne je déco. Il faut me contacter par mp si vous êtes dispo sur les mêmes plages horaires que moi !
Si tu es dispo demain, on se donne rdv vers 17h/17h30, je serai rentré du boulot et prêt à jouer !

zombie33 Nov 28, 2016, 9:08 PM Abyssal est-ce que tu cherches à contacter tes adversaires des fois ? Parce que quand on regarde les parties qui ne sont pas joués, je vois beaucoup ton nom d'écrit. Si je devais sanctionner quelqu'un ce serait plutôt celui qui s'est inscrit à 6 tournoi et qui n'a fait aucune des 6 parties de la troisième ronde, alors que celles ci sont ouvertes depuis au moins une semaine si ce n'est 10 jours pour certaines.

Je vous laisse plus de temps, mais quand même, l'effort doit être dans les deux sens.