Chalon-sur-Saône 12-07-2024
Wall power 1/8 Marc P. Wall Combo
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-27-2024
Wee bee 1/34 Marc P. Wee Bee
Wee bee 2/34 Charles R. Wee Bee
Broodscale Combo 3/34 Maxime D. Broodscale Combo
UR Terror 4/34 Pierre S. Ux Control
Red Assault 5/34 Jérémy B. Red Assault
Dredge roots 6/34 Alexis R. Dredge
Hunting storm 7/34 Jean-Michel T. Storm
Jund Initiative 8/34 Maxime C. Jund
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-26-2024
Wall Combo 1/16 Antoine M. Wall Combo
Curious Tempo 2/16 Simon G. Curious Tempo
Broodscale Combo 3/16 Guillaume A. Broodscale Combo
The Rock 4/16 Alexis R. The Rock
The Rock 5/16 Vincent C. The Rock
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-26-2024
UR Terror 1/16 Pierre S. Ux Control
Wee Bee 2/16 Armand D. Wee Bee
Kuldotha Burn 3/16 Sebastien G. Kuldotha
Arcane Tide 4/16 Maxime R. High Tide
Jund Initiative 5/16 Jérémy B. Jund
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-26-2024
Broodscale Combo 1/53 Maxime D. Broodscale Combo
Dredge roots 2/53 Amaury F. Dredge
Poison storm 3/53 Cédric D. Other Combo
Aesir Rock 4/53 Marc P. The Rock
Elfes 5/53 Fabien J. Elves
Gruul Midrange 6/53 Jérémy f. Gruul Midrange
Aesir Rock 7/53 Rémi D. The Rock
Wee bee 8/53 Pierre S. Wee Bee
Mono U terror 9/53 Manuel T. U Delver
Aesir Rock 10/53 Vincent C. The Rock
Azorius Glitter 11/53 Pierre B. Affinity
Kuldotha 12/53 Adrien D. Kuldotha
Wee bee 13/53 Philippe-Alexandre T. Wee Bee
Red Assault 14/53 Jérémy B. Red Assault
Kuldotha 15/53 Romain H. Kuldotha
Dredge roots 16/53 Alexis R. Dredge
Slivoïdes 17/53 Pierre V. Slivers
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-25-2024
Red Assault 1/20 Jérémy B. Red Assault
Wee Bee 2/20 Charles R. Wee Bee
Broodscale Combo 3/20 Maxime D. Broodscale Combo
Chalon-sur-Saône 03-14-2024
Azorius Glitter 1/8 Arnaud A. Affinity
Chalon-sur-Saône 02-01-2024
Tithing Rock 1/8 Jérémy F. The Rock
Chalon-sur-Saône 12-28-2023
Wall is back 1/9 Marc P. Wall Combo
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-29-2023
The Rock 1/30 Denis B. The Rock
Azorius glitter 2/30 Maxime D. Affinity
Faeries 3/30 Joel V. U Faeries
Kuldotha 4/30 Gabin D. Kuldotha
Grixis Affy 5/30 Manuel T. Affinity
The Rock 6/30 Amaury F. The Rock
Faeries 7/30 Simon G. U Faeries
Red Assault 8/30 Farah B. Red Assault
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-28-2023
The Rock 1/55 Rémi D. The Rock
Azorius Glitters 2/55 Pierre B. Affinity
Gruul Ponza 3/55 Jérémy F. Gruul Midrange
The Rock 4/55 Clair G. The Rock
Azorius Glitters 5/55 Arnaud A. Affinity
Kuldotha Burn 6/55 Grégoire G. Kuldotha
Arcane Tide 7/55 Manuel T. High Tide
LSD (Land Spy DecK) 8/55 Richard D. Land Spy Deck
Affy beans 9/55 Kevin V. Affinity
Tron 10/55 Alexis R. Ux Tron
Slivoïdes 11/55 Jean-Michel T. Slivers
Faeries 12/55 Simon G. U Faeries
Boros Cycling 13/55 Adrien A. Other Combo
Azorius glitter 14/55 Marc P. Affinity
Red Assault 15/55 Jérémy B. Red Assault
Thermo burn 16/55 Antoine L. Burn
UB Terror 17/55 Sebastien G. UB Terror
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-28-2023
Ub Saucisse 1/10 Sebastien G. UB Terror
Kessig Burn 2/10 Manuel T. Burn
Boros Cycling 3/10 Adrien A. Other Combo
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-28-2023
Land Spy Deck 1/10 Richard D. Land Spy Deck
The Rock 2/10 Vincent C. The Rock
Kuldotha Burn 3/10 Paul-Antoine S. Kuldotha
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-27-2023
Kuldotha 1/18 Grégoire B. Kuldotha
MGA stickers 2/18 Alexis R. MGA
Goblin combo 3/18 Manuel T. Goblin Combo
The Rock 4/18 Denis B. The Rock
Chalon-sur-Saône 09-14-2023
Kuldotha LUTS DRC 1/10 Gégoire B. Kuldotha
Faerie OOM 2/10 Maxime D. U Faeries
Chalon-sur-Saône 08-18-2023
Arcane Tide 1/8 Maxime R. High Tide
Chalon-sur-Saône 08-03-2023
Monkey Inititiave 1/9 Maxime D. The Rock
Kuldotha Gleeful 2/9 Kevin L. Kuldotha
Chalon-sur-Saône 07-21-2023
Hunting storm 1/8 Denis B. Storm
Chalon-sur-Saône 05-25-2023
Fatty Tron 1/8 Armand D. Ramp
Chalon-sur-Saône 05-18-2023
Dimir Faerie 1/8 Jérémy F. UB Faeries
Chalon-sur-Saône 05-01-2023
Delver 1/9 Lucas G. UB Delver
Dimir without Snake 2/9 Maxime D. UB Terror
Chalon-sur-Saône 04-27-2023
Caw Gate 1/9 Maxime D. Caw Blade
Kuldotha Glee-Whack 2/9 Sébastien T. Kuldotha
Chalon-sur-Saône 04-13-2023
Wall combo piou piou 1/8 Marc P. Wall Combo
Chalon-sur-Saône 03-16-2023
Melody Elf 1/8 Nicolas Elves
Chalon-sur-Saône 02-24-2023
All that Bogles 1/8 Minh T. Bogles
Chalon-sur-Saône 11-18-2022
Gruul Token 1/8 Maxime D. Token
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-13-2022
Faeries 1/8 Denis B. U Faeries
Chalon-sur-Saône 09-15-2022
DRC Kuldotha 1/10 Maxime D. Kuldotha
Chalon-sur-Saône 09-02-2022
Clouds of Witness 1/8 Maxime D. Clouds of Witness
Chalon-sur-Saône 08-26-2022
Black Reanimator 1/8 Edouard P. Reanimator
Chalon-sur-Saône 08-19-2022
Dinrova Tron 1/8 Maxime R. Ux Tron
Chalon-sur-Saône 05-01-2022
Thermo Burn 1/8 Sébastien Burn
Chalon-sur-Saône 04-08-2022
Jeskai Affinity 1/8 Marc P. Affinity
Chalon-sur-Saône 01-02-2022
Affinity 1/8 Arnaud Affinity
Chalon-sur-Saône 12-19-2021
Thermo Burn 1/8 MiniBlade Burn
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-11-2020
MGA 1/8 Denis B. MGA
Chalon-sur-Saône 02-16-2020
Affinity Atog 1/11 Jérémy F. Affinity
Burn 2/11 Alex C. Burn
Elves 3/11 Fabien J. Elves
UB Delver 4/11 Maxime D. UB Delver
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-11-2019
ELF! 1/6 Fabien J. Elves
Orzhov devotion 2/6 Denis B. Other Midrange
Chalon-sur-Saône 08-15-2019
UB Thopter 1/7 Minh Thopter Combo
Boros Snow Gridless 2/7 Lucas Boros Grid
Chalon-sur-Saône 06-08-2019
Huatli combo 1/8 Denis B. Life
Affinity 2/8 Jeremy Affinity
Chalon-sur-Saône 05-18-2019
UB Thopter 1/7 Minh T. Thopter Combo
Faeries 2/7 Benoît R. U Faeries
Chalon-sur-Saône 04-13-2019
Girly Burn 1/13 Léane D. Burn
UB Old' Timer Rack 2/13 Joël V. The Rack
Black Ponza 3/13 Benoît R. Black Ponza
Wellspring Thopter 4/13 Maxime D. Boros Grid
Chalon-sur-Saône 12-14-2018
Mardu Token 1/7 Maxime D. Boros Bully
Chalon-sur-Saône 11-10-2018
Ninja Stanstill 1/8 Marc P. Ux Tempo
Chalon-sur-Saône 10-07-2016
UG Madness 1/7 Maxime D. Madness