Peasant Tournaments 2020 Feb 24, 2020, 7:13 PM | |
The online tournaments league starts again on this beginning of 2020. The rankings for the league are set back to 0, the occasion for everybody to start fresh in this new editions with some novelties. For the ones who wouldn't know, the online tournaments are played on the cockatrice gaming software, that is entirely free, download and install with this link : Cockatrice. Players settle on a meeting between them to perform their matches thanks to online chat Discord Peasant open to everybody : Discord Peasant A new formula in 2020 The tournaments organised in 2020 will be tournament played in a Swiss-system tournament with a maximum of 16 players. A new tournament will start every Monday. Each round will be set to be played in one week, letting every player enough time to play against their opponents. This system allow players to subscribe up to 4 tournaments at the same time depending on their disponibility, thus should suit a maximum of players. It is still not impossible that tournaments with other system appears during the year if there is enough demands for them, and that it is showed in the participation in thoses tournaments. How to participate ? Nothing more simple ! To subscribe to a tournament you just have to write down your cockatrice nickname and the hash code of the deck you are gonna play on this google doc : The pairings will be displayed on the corresponding tab. Each player subscribing to a tournament has to play their match in before the time limit, contact their opponents and set up a meeting for the matches. If a player don't conform to thoses rules, they might take a game loss if the match isn't played. At the end of each tournament, players have to share the deck they played in the corresponding tab. Players who have won over 9 points will have their decklist published on mtg.peasant and will win point for the online league. See you soon on Cockatrice ! |
Mar 18, 2020, 7:58 PM
During this time of confinement, we are launching again 8 men tournaments for thoses who are lacking the right amount of Magic Tournaments. Thoses 8 men will account for the online league but will be accessible through this google doc : For thoses who wouldn't know about thoses tournaments : You subscribe to the amount of tournament that suits you, as long as you have enough time to do all your games. To subscribe, you have to write down your hash in the google doc in the 8 men of your choice. When there is 8 players with hash code included, the tournament will launch automaticaly. Any defeat is eliminatory. The tournament is exactly like a top 8 with quarter, semi and final. Draws are not allowed. At the end of the hour and, if it's a draw, it's the player who have the most life point that win the game. If it's still a draw, it continues until the next life point change. It is not necessary to wait for all the quarter to be done to start playing the semi if you already know your opponent. Good luck and have fun ! |
Mar 20, 2020, 5:43 PM
Bonjour, Je suis à la recherche de ozrael75 pour le duel du White Tournament Tu peux me contacter sur Cockatrice ou sur Discord (Neral#2677) |